Chu Guowei
Highest Education Bachelor
Phone 020-37252615
Office Xingke Road 723, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City
Education and Appointments


1995.09-1999.07Bachelor in Environmental ScienceJinan UniversityGuangdong, China.

Professional Experience:

1999.07-2007.05, Assistant Researcher, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences;

2007.05-2017.09, Engineer, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences;

2017.09-now, Senior Engineer, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Research Interest

Forest Ecology, mainly focus on Forest Ecosystem nutrient cycles.

Public Services

Contributor (No.14) of the first prize of the nature science achievement award of Guangdong Province (2016)

Contributor (No.9) of the second prize of the environmental protection science and technology award of Guangdong Province (2010)

Contributor (No.14) of the first prize of the nature science achievement award of Guangdong Province (2006)

Contributor (No.10) of the first prize of the environmental protection science and technology award of Guangdong Province (2006)

Selected Publication

1) Qi Deng,DafengHui,GuoweiChu,XiHan,QuanfaZhang.Rain-induced changes in soil CO2 flux andmicrobial community composition in a tropicalforest of China.Scientific Reports 20177 (1):1-9

2) KuangYuanwen*,Wen Dazhi,ZhouGuoyi,ChuGuowei,SunFangfang,LiJiong.Reconstruction of soil pH by dendrochemistry of Masson pine at two forested sites in the Pearl River Delta,SouthChina.Annals of Forest Science.2008,65:804

3) Wu Jianping,Chen Xiaomei, Chu Guowei,Xiong xing, Zhou Guoyi, Zhang Deqiang*. Early response of soil organic carbon fractions in subtropical forest to simulated acid rain.Guihaia. 2015,35(20)61-68

4) Zhang Yaru,Ou Yangxu, Chu Guowei,Zhang Qianmei,Liu Shizhong, Zhang Deqiang,Li Yuelin*. Spatial distribution of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest in Dinghushan. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology.2014,2591)19-23       

5)Liu yan, Zhou Guoyi, Chu Guowei, Liu Jiuxu*, Zhang Qianmei. Seasonal dynamics of soil acidity and soil nutrients in mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest in Dinghushan.Ecology and environment.2005,14(1):81-85

6) Liu Jiuxu, Zhou Guoyi, Chu Guowei,Zhang Qianmei. Effects of soil acidity on soil nutrients in monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest in Dinghushan.ACTA pedologica sinica. 2003,40(5):763-767

7) Zhang Deqiang,Chu Guowei, Yu QingFa,Liu Shizhong,Lu Yaodong,Hu XianCong,Xue Kena,Kong guohui. Purification ability and remediation function of landscaping plants to atmospheric SO2 and HF pollution. Tropical and subtropical forest ecosystem. 2003,11(4):336-340

8) Liu Jiuxu, Chu Guowei*,Yu QingFa, Zhang Deqiang,Zhou Guoyi. Response of soil chemical properties to altitudinal gradients in different forest types in Dinghushan.Tropical and subtropical forest ecosystem. 2002,9:125-131

9) Liu Jiuxu,Yu QingFa,Chu Guowei,Zhou Guoyi,Wen Dazhi.Dynamic changes of soil pH values in main forest types of Dinghushan.Soil and Environmental Sciences. 2001,10(1):39-41