Wang Changhu
Highest Education Ph.D
Phone 020-37083316
Office Xingke Road #723, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510650, China
Education and Appointments

Dr. Wang (Changhu Wang) received his M.S. from Lanzhou University in 1997 and his Ph.D from South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. After postdoctoral research at the International Center for Tropical AgricultureCIATfrom 2005-2007, he returned to SCBG on July, 2008. 

Research Interest

Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Public Services
Selected Publication

1. Changhu Wang, Weili Guo, Xingzhe Cai, Ruyu Li, David W. Ow. 2019. Engineering low-cadmium rice through stress-inducible expression of OXS3-family member genes. New Biotechnology48:29-34.

2. Changhu Wang, Weili Guo, Shan Ye, Pengcheng Wei, David W. Ow. 2016. Reduction of Cd in rice through expression of OXS3-like gene fragments. Molecular Plant, 9,301-304.

3. Changhu Wang, Lentini Z, Tabares E, Quintero M, Ceballos H, Dedicova B, Sautter C, Olaya C, Zhang P. 2011. Microsporogenesis and pollen formation in cassava. Biologia Plantarum, 55(3), 469-478.

4. Changhu Wang, Peng Zhang, Zhenrong Ma, Mingyong Zhang, Guchou Sun, Dinghou Ling. 2005. Development of a genetic marker linked to a new thermo-sensitive male sterile gene in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Euphytica, 140 (3), 217-222.

5. Guozhang Kang, Changhu Wang, Guchou Sun, Zhengxun Wang. 2003. Salicylic acid changes activities of H2O2-metabolizing enzymes and increases the chilling-tolerance of banana seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany 50, 9-15.