Zhang Yi
Highest Education Ph.D
Email yizhang@scbg.ac.cn
Office South China Botanical Garden, No.723,Xingkelu,Tianhe,Guangzhou,China
Education and Appointments


09.2010 – 09.2014 University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany

Ph.D. Major: Plant Molecular Biology

09.2007 – 07.2010 Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

M.S. Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

09.2003 – 07.2007 Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, China

B.S. Major: Biotechnology



09.2020 – now             South China Botanical Garden, Associate Professor

08.2017 2020.05   University of Nebraska-LincolnLincoln, Nebraska, USA
                                       Post-doctoral Research Associate

06.2015 – 08.2017        Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

                                      Post-doctoral Scholar

Research Interest

Study the function of protein ubiquitination modification on plant responding biotic and abiotic stress

Public Services
Selected Publication

1. Zhang Y#., Huang J.#, Hou Q., Liu Y., Wang J. and Deng S. (2021). Isolation and Functional Characterization of a Salt-Responsive Calmodulin-Like Gene MpCML40 from Semi-Mangrove Millettia pinnata. International Journal of Molecular Sciences #Co-first author DOI: 10.3390/ijms221910832 

2. Yu Z., Yan H., Liang L., Zhang Y., Yang H., Li W., Choi J., Huang J. and Deng S. (2021). A C2H2-Type Zinc-Finger Protein from Millettia pinnata, MpZFP1, Enhances Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences DOI:10.3390/ijms22073475 

3.  Zhang Y., Zeng L. (2020) Crosstalk between Ubiquitination and Other Posttranslational Protein Modifications in Plant Immunity. Plant Communications DOI:10.1016/j.xplc.2020.100041 

4. Yan J#., Shun M. C#., Zhang Y#., Hao C., Skowronski J. (2019) HIV-1 Vpr counteracts HLTF-mediated restriction of HIV-1 infection in T cells. PNAS #Co-first author DOI:10.1073/pnas.1818401116 

5. Yan J., Shun M. C., Hao C., Zhang Y., Qian J., Hrecka K., DeLucia M., Monnie C., Ahn J., Skowronski J. (2018) HIV-1 Vpr Reprograms CLR4(DCAF1) E3 Ubiquitin Ligase to Antagonize Exonuclease 1-Mediated Restriction of HIV-1 Infection. mBio DOI:10.1128/mBio.01732-18 

6. Zhang Y., Lee C. W., Wehner N., Imdahl F., Svetlana V., Weiste C., Droge-Laser W., Deeken R. (2015) Regulation of oncogene expression in T-DNA-transformed host plant cells. PLoS Pathogens DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004620 

7. Zhang Y *(2015) 5’ Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (5’ RACE) of Agrobacterial T-DNA Genes within Transformed Plant Sample. Bio-protocol 5: e1603 * corresponding author DOI:   10.21769/BioProtoc.1603  

8.  Shen H., Liu C., Zhang Y., Meng X., Zhou X., Chu C., Wang X. (2012) OsWRKY30 is activated by MAP kinases to confer drought tolerance in rice. Plant Mol Biol DOI:10.1007/s11103-012-9941-y