Yu Hui
Highest Education PhD
Email yuhui@scib.ac.cn
Office South China Botanical Garden, No.723,Xingkelu,Tianhe,Guangzhou,China
Education and Appointments


2003.3–2005.7, South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD  

1997.9–2000.7, South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bsc 

1993.9–1997.7, Haerbin Normal University, Biology, MSc 


Work experience:   

2019.7-South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Center for Plant Science ResearchProfessor

2007.1-2019.6, South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Center for Plant Science ResearchAssociate professor 

2004.1-2006.12, South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Center for Plant Science ResearchAssistant professor 

2000.7-2003.12, South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, System Evolution CenterResearch assistant 


Research Interest

I am a researcher majored in evolutionary biology and I mainly employs ecological and genetic approaches to infer evolutionary process and species speciation. My current research is the mutualism of figs-fig wasps. I mainly use molecular data to investigate of the factors influencing gene flow and their impacts on the genetic variation of the fig and their symbiotic fig wasps over a broad range of temporal and spatial scales, then further to explore the species speciation of the fig wasps. In addition, I am investigating geographic variation of all kinds of characters related to the mutualism, such as seed and pollinator production, non-pollinator (whose larvae parasitize fig fruit) production, odor compounds, and try to know how the variation is influence d by climates and other environmental factors.



Public Services
Distinguished Professor of Qufu Normal University
Selected Publication

Yu H. *, Liao Y. L., Cheng Y. F., Jia Y. X., Compton S. G. 2021. More examples of breakdown the 1:1 partner specificity between figs and fig wasps. Botanical Studies, 62: 15.

Deng X. X.#, Chen L. F. #, Tian E. W., Zhang D. Y., Tanming W., Yu H. *, Kjellberg F., Simon S. T. 2021. Low host specificity and broad geographic ranges in a community of parasitic non-pollinating fig wasps (Sycoryctinae; Chalcidoidea). Journal of Animal Ecology, 90(7): 1678-1690.

Xu X., Yu H.* 2021. Intraspecies Genomic Divergence of a Fig Wasp Species Is Due to Geographical Barrier and Adaptation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 764828.

Chen L. F., Simon S. T. Chantarasuwan B., Wang D. M., Wang R., Chen X. Y., Yu H. * 2021. Adaptation of Fig Wasps (Agaodinae) to Their Host Revealed by Large-Scale Transcriptomic Data. Insects, 12(9): 815.

Wang R. #, Yang Y. #, Jing Y. #, Simon S.T. #, Zhang Y.,……, Yu H. *, Yue Z. *, Compton S. G. *, Chen X. Y. * Molecular mechanisms of mutualistic and antagonistic interactions in a plant-pollinator association. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5(7): 974.

Liu Y. F., Fan S. L., Yu H. * 2021. Analysis of Ficus hirta Fig Endosymbionts Diversity and Species Composition. Diversity, 13: 636.

Hu R., Sun P., Yu H. *, Cheng Y. F., Wang R., Chen X. Y. *, Kjellberg F. 2020. Similitudes and differences between two closely related Ficus species in the synthesis by the ostiole of odors attracting their host-specific pollinators: a transcriptomic based investigation. Acta Oecologica, 105: 103554.

Yu H.*, Tian E. W., Zheng L. N., Deng X. X., Cheng Y. F., Chen L. F., Wu W., Tanming W., Zhang D. Y., Compton S. G., Kjellberg F. 2019. Multiple parapatric pollinators have radiated across a continental fig tree displaying clinal genetic variation. Molecular Ecology, 28: 2391-2405.

Yu H.*, Liang D., Tian E. W., Zheng L. N., Kjellberg F. 2018. Plant geographic phenotypic variation drives diversification in its associated community of a phytophagous insect and its parasitoids. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18: 134.

Zeng J. Q., Yu H.*, Kjellberg F. 2018. Transcriptome analysis of genes involved in the response of a pollinator g wasp to volatile organic compounds from its host gs. Acta Oecologica, 90: 91-98.

Yu H.*, Compton S. G., Wu L. F. 2018. Spatial variation in pollinator gall failure within figs of the gynodioecious Ficus hirta. Acta Oecologica, 90: 75-80.

Tian E. W., Nason J. D., Machado C. A., Zheng L. N., Yu H.*, Kjellberg F. 2015. Lack of genetic isolation by distance, similar genetic structuring but different demographic histories in a fig-pollinating wasp mutualism. Molecular Ecology, 24: 5976-5991.

Yu H., Nason J. D., Zhang L., Zheng L. N., Wu W., Ge X. J.* 2015. De novo transcriptome sequencing in Ficus hirta Vahl. (Moraceae) to investigate gene regulation involved in the biosynthesis of pollinator attracting volatiles. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 11: 91.

Zheng L. N., Nason J. D., Liang D., Ge X. J., Yu H.* 2015. Development and characterization of microsatellite loci for Ficus hirta. Applications in Plant Sciences, 3(7): 1500034.

Yu H., Nason J. D.* 2013. Nuclear and chloroplast DNA phylogeography of Ficus hirta: obligate pollination mutualism and constraints on range expansion in response to climate change. New Phytologist, 197(1): 276-289.

Tian E. W., Yu H.* 2013. A simple and rapid DNA extraction protocol of small insects for PCR amplification. Entomological News, 4: 303-310.

Ahanchédé A., Alfaya J. F., Andersen L.W……Tian E. W., Yu H.* 2013.  Permanent genetic resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 August 2012–30 September 2012. Molecular Ecology Resources, 13: 158-159. (团体通讯作者)

Yu H.*, Compton S. G. 2012. Moving your sons to safety: galls containing male fig wasps expand into the centre of figs, away from enemies. PLoS One, 7: e30833.

Abello P., Ai W. M., Altmann C.……Yu H.*, Zhou Z. M. 2012. Permanent genetic resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2012-31 May 2012. Molecular Ecology Resources, 12: 972-974. (团体通讯作者)

Tian E. W., Yu H.*, Zhang D. Y., Nason J. D. 2011. Development of microsatellite loci for Blastophaga javana (Agaonidae), the pollinating wasp of Ficus hirta (Moraceae). American Journal of Botany, 98: e41-e43.

Yu H., Nason J. D.*, Ge X. J., Zeng J. Q. 2010. Slatkin’s paradox: when direct observation and realized gene flow disagree: a case study in Ficus. Molecular Ecology, 19: 4441-4453.

Yu H., Zhao N. X., Chen Y. Z.*, Herre E. A. 2008. Male and female reproductive success in the dioecious fig, Ficus hirta Vahl.in Guangdong province, China: implications for the relative stability of dioecy and monoecy. Symbiosis, 45: 121-128.

Yu H., Zhao N. X., Chen Y. Z., Deng Y., Yao J. Y., Ye H. G.* 2006. Phenology and reproductive model of a common fig (Ficus hirta Vahl.) in Guangzhou. Botanical Studies, 47: 435-441.

Yao J. Y., Zhao N. X., Chen Y. Z.*, Jia X. C., Deng Y., Yu H. 2005. Resource allocation for coevolved figs and fig wasps in monoecious figs: where and how seeds and wasps produced? Symbiosis, 39: 143-149.

Zhang L., Yan H. F., Wu W.*, Yu H., Ge X. J. 2013. Comparative transcriptome analysis and marker development of two closely related Primrose species (Primula poissonii and Primula wilsonii). BMC Genomics, 14: 329.

Xiao J. H., Yue Z., Jia L. Y......Yu H., Cook J. M.*, Wang J.* & Huang D. W.* 2013. Obligate mutualism within a host drives the extreme specialization of a fig wasp genome. Genome Biology, 14: R141.