Xu Fengxia
Highest Education PhD
Email xfx@scib.ac.cn
Office Xingke Road 723#,Tianhe District Guangzhou
Education and Appointments

Bachelor09.1987 - 07.1991 Northwest University (China)

Master 09.1991 - 07.1994 South China Institute of Botany (China) Doctor 09.1996 - 12.1999 Sun Yat-sen University (China)

Assistant professor 10.1997 - 08.2002  South China Institute of Botany (China)

Associate professor 09.2002 - 12.2006 South China Institute of Botany (China)

Full professor  01.2007 -  South China Botanical Garden(China)

PHD Supervisor    01.2008 -   South China Botanical Garden(China)

Research Interest
Structure and development of plant
Public Services
Selected Publication

(1) Fengxia Xu, Louis Ronse De Craene. Floral ontogeny of Annonaceae: evidence for high variability in floral form. Annals of Botany, 2010, 106 (4): 591-605.

(2) Fengxia Xu, Bruce Kirchoff. Pollen morphology and ultrastructure of some species of Magnoliaceae. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2008,150,140-153.

(3) Fengxia Xu, Louis Ronse De Craene. Floral ontogeny of Knema and Horsfieldia (Myristicaceae): evidence for a complex androecial evolution. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 164 (1): 42-52.

(4) Fengxia Xu, Paula Rudall. Comparative floral anatomy and ontogeny in Magnoliaceae.       Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2006, 258: 1-15.

(5) Fengxia Xu. Floral Ontogeny of Two Species in Magnolia L. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2006, 48(10): 1197-1203.

(6) Dexin Xiao, Fengxia Xu (corresponding author).  Megasporogenesis and development of female gametophyte in Manglietia decidua (Magnoliaceae) Annales Botanici Fennici. 2006, 43 (6): 437-444.

(7) Lin FU, Qingwen Zeng, Jingping Liao, FengXia Xu (corresponding author). Anatomy and ontogeny of unisexual flowers in dioecious Woonyoungia septentrionalis (Dandy) Law (Magnoliaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2009, 47 (4): 263-272.