
Prof. Hugh W. Prichard from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Visits South China Botanical Garden

Date: Oct 25, 2007

From September 10 to 22, Professor Dr. Howard Ferris from University of California, Davis with his wife Cynthia Hayes had a 12-days visit to South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), under the invitation of Prof. FU Shenglei, the Principal Investigator of Environmental Degradation and Ecological Restoration Research Field.


On 10th Sep., Prof. Ferris and his wife, accompanied by Prof. Shenglei Fu, visited Heshan Hilly Land Interdisciplinary Experimental Station & Heshan National Field Station of Forest Ecosystem. He was very excited to see that various projects are being carried on in the experimental site and made good suggestions at the same time.


On 13th Sep., Prof. Ferris was invited to give a seminar on the soil nematode community and its ecological functions, which attracted many students and faculty members of SCBG.


On 20th Sep., Ms. Cynthia Hayes overviewed the American law system in the seminar: The Criminal Justice System in America. Prof. Ferris shared his experience of writing a scientific paper in the seminar: Organizing and Writing Scientific Paper. The seminars were very inspiring and stimulating, and the seminar room was crowded with students and faculty members of SCBG.


During this visit, Prof. Ferris taught one of his courses on nematology in a condensed form and supervised the graduate students in laboratory on nematode identification. Students benefited a lot from Prof. Ferris and were deeply touched by his enthusiasm and passion in science.


During this period, Prof. HUANG Hongwen, director of SCBG, and Prof. REN Hai, the deputy director of SCBG met him, respectively.

Prof. Ferris and Ms. Hayes’ visit has strengthened the connection between SCBG and University of California, particularly in the fields of Soil Ecology and Restoration Ecology.


Howard Ferris is a Professor at the department of Nematology, University of California at Davis. He is the former chair of the department of Nematology. He is an expert on integrative pest management (IPM). His main research interests focus on the control of plant parasitic nematodes and the functions of non-parasitic nematodes. He is also an associate editor of the journal: Nematology. He has published more than 150 papers in peer-reviewed journals.


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