
BGCI China Project Workshop on Magnolia longipedunculata Held in Nankunshan Nature Reserve

Date: Oct 30, 2009

Sponsored by Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), and organized by South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wild Fauna and Flora Protection Administration Office of Guangdong Province and Nature Reserve Administration Office of Guangdong Province, “BGCI China Project Workshop on the Conservation Biology and Reinforcement of Endangered Plant Magnolia longipedunculata” was held on October 22, 2009 in Nankunshan Nature Reserve, Longmen County, Guangdong Province, China. Totally 76 persons attended the workshop, including Dr. FU Shenglei, deputy director of SCBG, Ms. WEN Xiangying, director of China Project Office of BGCI, Mr. LU Kaihe, vice director of Wild Fauna and Flora Protection Management Office of Guangdong Province, Mr. LI Xueming, vice consultant-director of Forestry Administration of Huizhou City, Mr. HU Xueping, deputy chief of Longmen County, Mr. ZHANG Yingyang, director of Nankunshan Nature Reserve Administration Office, Prof. CHEN Yilin and Prof. JIN Shuying of Botany Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. XING Fuwu and Prof. ZENG Qingwen of SCBG and a lot of villagers of Nankunshan.

After the opening ceremony, 5 wonderful scientific reports were presented. Mr. WU Huarong, a staff of Nature Reserve Management Office of Guangdong Province, made a presentation entitled “Protection and Management for Wild Plants of Guangdong”; Dr. Fu Shenglei made a report entitled “Vegetation Restoration and Subterranean Ecological Process”; Zeng Qingwen, leader of this magnolia project, made a report entitled “Studies on the Conservation Biology and Reinforcement of Endangered plant Magnolia longipedunculata”; Mr. ZHONG Guofang, vice director of Nankunshan Nature Reserve Administration Office, gave a presentation entitled “Conservation of Rare and Endangered Plant in Nankunshan Nature Reserve”.

During the Workshop, the planting ceremony of endangered plant Magnolia longipedunculata and the unveiling ceremony of the Nankunshan Wild Research Base of South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences were held.

Nankunshan Mountain, the provincial nature reserve, is one of the richest regions in plant resource of Guangdong, located round the tropic of cancer. Its ecological system is very integrated with rich fauna and flora resources. There are more than 2000 species of plants. It is a perfect base for the related researches. Under the great support of Nankunshan Nature Reserve Administration Office, SCBG has carried out a lot of research projects, including the projects “Conservation and Reintroductions of Critically Endangered Species Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl.” and “The Ex-situ Conservation for Four Species of Chinese Magnoliaceae” sponsored by BGCI.

The rostrum of the workshop

Group photo for all participates

Unveiling ceremony of  "The Nankunshan Wild Research Base of South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences"

Dr. Fu Shenglei gives a presentation entitled "Vegetation Restoration and Subterranean Ecological Process"

Prof. Zeng Qingwen makes a report entitled "Studies on the Conservation Biology and Reinforcement of Endangered plant Magnolia longipedunculata"

The scientists, local officials and community citizens take part in the planting activity

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