
South China Botanical Garden Hosts Training Program Sponsored by Ministry of Commerce

Date: Dec 31, 2009

Sponsored by the National Ministry of Commerce, South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) hosted the foreign-aiding project "International training workshop of research and management for tropical / subtropical forest biodiversity conservation" from December 1st to 21st in Guangzhou. The workshop included 18 participants who were from 10 countries: Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nigeria, Madagascar, Mexico, Colombia and Peru. They are officials and researchers of biodiversity conservation and forestry management in their respective nations.

On December 1st, the opening ceremony was held in the picturesque SCBG conference room. Dr. FU Shenglei, deputy director of SCBG hosted the opening ceremony. Dr. HUANG Hongwen, director of SCBG, gave a warm welcome and speech to all the participants.

Dr.Huang Hongwen gives a lecture to all the participants

Dr. Fu Shenglei makes a report

Dr. Ren Hai makes a report

Later, SCBG arranged 30 high-level academic classes for the students, which covered a wide range of topics, including China's Strategy for Plant Conservation, the current situation and measures of China’s tropical rainforests conservation work, foundational plant taxonomy, plant domestication and reintroduction, nature reserve management in China, sustainable use of plant resources and so on.

The meeting spot

The training courses were strictly arranged according to the schedule, every teacher made full preparations with numerous teaching materials. The trainees enjoyed their lectures and freely brought out questions and made discussions with the teachers after each lecture. The participants were welcomed to introduce the national conservation work of biodiversity that had been done in their respective countries. In order to strengthen their visual impression and improve their practical capacity, SCBG also arranged the trainees some field trip, such as the visit to the Dinghushan National Nature Reserve on December 5th and to the tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan from December 15-20.

The participates visit the garden

In order to enrich the students’ life and enhance their understanding to China, SCBG made a series of specialized activities of Chinese culture, mainly including basic Chinese language study, culture and customs of Guangzhou and scenic spots sightseeing in Guangzhou. On December 6th, SCBG organized a trip to the Guangzhou University town, Lingnan Image Garden, Yuexiu Park and the Chen Clan, as well as the Pearl River Night Cruise, so that the students were able to learn more about China and Chinese culture other than the academic lectures.

On December 21st, the graduation ceremony was held in SCBG. Dr. XIA Nianhe was on behalf of SCBG to give a concluding statement. This course was highly appraised by Mr. Jinis from Malaysia who made a comment as the representative of the 18 participants. Moreover, the participants from 10 different countries used their own language to give a heartfelt thanks to SCBG, and Prof. Huang Hongwen together with other officials awarded the completion certificates to these 18 participants.

Dr. Huang Hongwen together with other officials awards the completion certificates to these 18 participants

It is the first time that SCBG hosted such a foreign-aiding project organized by the Ministry of Commerce. And under the guidance and support of the Ministry of Commerce Training Center, and International Cooperation Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences, SCBG held this seminar/training program successfully.

Group photo for all participates

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