
South China Botanical Garden Holds Second "Chen Huanyong Lecture Series" Academic Symposium

Date: Jan 05, 2010

The second "Chen Chanyong Lecture Series" academic symposium was held in South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) on December 28, 2009. Five scientists, who are well-known in the research fields of botany and ecology in China, were invited to attend this academic symposium and give a report, respectively.

Dr.Huang Hongwen gives a lecture to all the participants

Dr. Fu Shenglei chairs the meeting

Dr. Yan Junhua chairs the meeting

These five scientiests were Dr. GU Hongya from School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Prof. GE Song, deputy director of Institute of Botany, CAS, Dr. YE Wencai, vice president of College of Pharmacy, Jinan University, Prof. HE Zuhua, from Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (IPPE) of CAS, and Prof. XU Guoliang, from Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, IPPE of CAS. These scientists were ever awarded the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, or supported by the 100 Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, or supported by the Program for Yangtze River Scholars of Ministry of Education of China.

Dr. Gu Hongya makes a report entitled "Plant genetic diversity and environmental adaptation"

Prof. Ge Song makes a report entitled "Rice is a systematic study of the Decade - Review and Prospects"

In the symposium, five excellent reports were given by the five scientists, respectively, including "Plant genetic diversity and environmental adaptation", "Rice is a systematic study of the Decade - Review and Prospects" and "Growth and development in the process of epigenetic regulation". They incisively elaborated the latest research progress and future development trends on the current fields of ecology and botany. Their reports drew forth enthusiastic applause of the audience. At the same time, a further discussion between these scientists and participants was expanded.

SCBG's leadership presentes medals to Scholars

There were about 200 researchers and graduate students from all the research fields of SCBG and some universities and institutes nearby attending this symposium. Dr. FU Shenglei, deputy director of SCBG, and Dr. YAN Junhua, assistant director, presided over the meeting, respectively. Dr. HUANG Hongwen, director of SCBG, gave a warm welcome to all the participants in his speech before the report began.

The SCBG holds this kind of symposium once about every season, inviting some famous scientists at home and abroad as reporters. This academic symposium is held in memory of the celebrated botanist and academician of CAS, Chen Huanyong, and his great contributions to the development of botany in China.

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