
“Synthesized Remediation Technology and Demonstration on Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil in Guangdong” Project Passes Acceptance Inspection

Date: Mar 05, 2010

On 1st March 2010, the acceptance-check meeting on the project "synthesized remediation technology and demonstration on heavy metal contaminated soil in Guangdong" was held at South China Botanical Garden (SCBG). The project was supported financially by the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province and conducted by Prof. Dr. LI Zhian and his research group of SCBG in 2006-2009.

The acceptance inspection committee was composed of experts coming from Sun Yat-Sen University, South China Agricultural University, Jinan University, South China University of Technology, and Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering. The committee carefully listened to and reviewed the report on running the research group. After discussion with the group members and a closed session within themselves, the committee concluded that the performance of the project was very successful, and significant achievements were obtained. All experts agreed unanimously that the project passed the acceptance-check and they suggested the research group do further extension and application in the pilot test.

During the past three years, the research group found several Cd low-accumulating rice varieties and confirmed that inundation and silicon fertilizer application could reduce Cd concentration in rice. It was found that Cd uptake by maize increases greatly when intercropped with legumes, inferring a great potential of maize as a Cd accumulator. An amaranth plant - Amaranthus hypochondriacus with high biomass was found to have the trait of Cd-accumulation and, therefore, revealed its capability of Cd high accumulation and great prospect.

During the operation period of the project, thirteen papers have been published in international and national journals. Two national invention patents were applied and one of them was authorized. A remediation demonstration base with an area of 0.7 ha was built in the vicinity of the Dabaoshan mine, Guangdong.

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