
Experts from Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology Visit South China Botanical Garden

Date: Mar 16, 2010

Prof.Vu Xuan Phuong and his group of five persons from Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology, paid a special visit to South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) from March 8 to 10, 2010.

During the visit, Dr. XIA Nianhe received Prof. Vu Xuan Phuong and his party. Dr. Xia described the status of South China Botanical Garden, and introduced the compiling process of Flora of China. Prof. Vu XuanPhuong, the deputy editor of "Flora of Vietnam", also introduced the compiling procedure of Flora of Vietnam, and presented Dr. Xia with the works on Vietnamese floras, such as "Flora of Vietnam", the List of Vietnam Plants, Vietnam Plant Red Data Book, and Vietnam Species Red List. Dr. Xia returned the guests with Check List of Hong Kong Plants and Flora of Hong Kong, both edited by SCBG.

Dr. ZHANG Dianxiang, the curator of SCBG herbarium, also met Prof. Vu Xuan Phuong and his group, and showed them the herbarium and some plant specimen. There were a good discussion on plant research between two sides.

Books exchange between two sides.

Group photo for all participants.

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