
Work Summary and Symposium of the Project “Investigation, Collection and Conservation of Non-food Biodiesel Plants and Related Microbe Resources” Held in Nankunshan Nature Reserve

Date: Apr 17, 2010

The work summary and symposium on National Science and Technology Groundwork Program “Investigation, collection and conservation of non-food biodiesel plants and related microbe resources” was held in Nankunshan Nature Reserve of Guangdong Province from 6 to 8 April 2010. More than 70 delegates, including Academician HONG Deyuan from CAS Institute of Botany, Academician JI Liangnian from Sun Yat-sen University, and chief principals of Department of Basic Research, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST), CAS Bureau of Planning Finance and Bureau of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, and sub-project leaders from nine project-undertaking institutions attended in this meeting.

The opening ceremony was presided by Prof. XING Fuwu of South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), the person in charge of the project. On behalf of the project-undertaking unit, Prof. HUNG Hongwen, the director of SCBG, delivered the opening speech.. Then, SHEN Jianlei, chief principal of Department of Basic Research, MST affirmed the production of the project during year 2009-2010, and wished SCBG accomplish its tasks with high quality and quantity. Afterwards, ZHAO Zhigang, director general of CAS Bureau of Planning Finance and LOU Zhiping, director general of CAS Bureau of life sciences and Biotechnology pointed out that they would support this project. They all gave some good suggestions to the project for the next development.

During the meeting, Prof. Xing reported overall project progress and results, then other sub-project leaders reported their results. The expert panel all agreed that this project ran successfully and completed over the task in 2009; they suggested that on the basis of comprehensive survey, plants with development potential should be intensively studied; experts also suggested that relevant state departments should further increase fund support for this project.

The project was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2008, and presided by Prof. XING Fuwu, and its implementation period is 5 years. The project aims to provide support on the sustainable development of energy plants, microbial research and bio-diesel industry.

 The meeting spot.

Prof.Huang Hongwen gives a lecture to all the participants.

Prof. Xing Fuwu makes a report.

Group photo for all participants.

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