
3rd Woon-young Chun Lecture Series Held at SCBG

Date: May 05, 2010

The 3rd Woon-young Chun Lecture Series was held at South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) on April 28, with ca.100 graduates and researchers from Canton universities and research institutes as well as SCBG to attend the lecture. Deputy director of SCBG Prof. FU Shenglei hosted and addressed the Lecture Series.

Four famous experts who were invited to give lecture at this lecture series were honored with "China National Distinguished Young Scientists" or "Changjiang Scholar", including Profs. LV Yingtang from Wuhan University, PENG Liangcai from Huazhong Agriculture University, LIU Shirong from Chinese Academy of Forestry and WAN Shiqiang from Institute of Botany, CAS. They all presented respective excellent lecture. All 4 lectures were integrated with the newest research results and the future developments on the field of ecology or botany. The audience was inspired and had animated discussions with experts.

Woon-young Chun Lecture Series was initiated in 2009 by SCBG in memorial of Academician CHUN Huanyong (Woon-young Chun) (1890-1971). It plans to invite famous experts in China to make speeches every season. CHUN Huanyong, founder of SCBG and renowned botanist, made great contribution to the development of China's botany and set a good example to the young scientists.


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