
SCBG Holds 4th Woon-young Chun Lecture Series

Date: Jul 07, 2010

The 4th Woon-young Chun Lecture Series was held at South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) on July 2, with ca.100 graduates and researchers from universities and research institutions in Guangzhou as well as SCBG attending the Lecture Series. Deputy director of SCBG Prof. FU Shenglei hosted and addressed the lecture.

Five experts were invited to this Lecture Series; most of them are honored with "China National Distinguished Young Scientists" or "Changjiang Scholar" or CAS "Hundred Talents". Prof. ZHU Yongguan who comes from Institute of Urban Environment, CAS, gave a lecture on arsenic biogeochemical processes; Prof. LIN Guanghui from School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University introduced in detail advances on stable isotope research in ecology; Prof. XUE Yongbiao from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, presented a report entitled "A Life or Death Decision: Control of S-RNase-based Self-Incompatibility"; Prof. HAN Bing from National Center for Gene Research, CAS and Prof. HE Yawen from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, lectured on "Next-generation Genetics in Rice: Re-sequencing of Rice Cultivars Discovers the Genome Diversity" and "Regulatory Network of Virulence Factor Production in Phytopathgen Xanthomonas", respectively.

They all presented excellent lectures in their respective fields. The five lectures were integrated with the latest research progresses and the future developments in the field of ecology or botany. The audience were greatly inspired discussions with these experts.

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