
LI Jiayang Inspects South China Botanical Garden

Date: Aug 24, 2010

On Augest 20, Prof. LI Jiayang, the Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), made an inpection on South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), accompanied by Mr. KONG Fanwen, (director of Bureau of Capital Construction, CAS), Dr. SU Ronghui (deputy director of Bureau of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, CAS), Dr. CHEN Guanghao (vice director of Guangzhou Branch of CAS) and other officials. Dr. HUANG Hongwen, director of SCBG, and Drs. REN Hai, Fu Shenglei, and Mr. WEI Ping, deputy directors of SCBG, the principal investigators of all research fields and other administrators warmly greeted the visiting group.

Prof. Huang had a progress report on SCBG since 2009, including research progress and outputs, China's Strategy for Plant Conservation (in-situ and ex-situ), popular science and tourism development, capacity of research facilities and platform construction, and international cooperation. He also summarized the development planning of "Innovation 2020" in SCBG.

Prof. Li gave a high appraisal to good performances of SCBG in facing national strategic requirements, global scientific and technological frontier, scientific and technological innovation, structural reform, talent cultivation, science propagation, infrastructure construction, innovation culture, and so on. He pointed that the development of SCBG should be consonant with "innovation 2020" of CAS, and integrate studies on biodiversity, bio-resources and gene transfer, and form a unique scientific advantage on carbon emission. Prof. Li thought that talents are the key factor for rapid development of a scientific institution, and SCBG should further consolidate talent’s cultivation and introduction.

Prof. Li also called on Prof. David W. Ow, the talent introduced through "Thousand Talent Program" by SCBG, and visited the Comprehensive Research Building in near completion.

The meeting spot.

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