
Huang Hongwen Participates in the 7th International Symposium on Kiwifruit

Date: Sep 25, 2010
On September 12 to 17, the 7th International Symposium on Kiwifruit was held in the city of Faenza, Italy. Research experts and scholars on kiwifruit from more than 20 countries around the world, and the local farm owners and government officials presented the symposium. The symposium focused on themes dealing with kiwifruit exploring the economy, breeding, cultural management, disease control in pre- and post-harvest and fruit quality. Prof. HUANG Hongwen, the Director of the South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) and his assistant Dr. LIU Yifei as representatives of SCBG participated in the symposium.
As one of the Scientific Committee members of the symposium, Prof. Huang was invited to deliver a keynote speech for reporting the genetic resources, introgression breeding and cultivar improvement of Actinidia in China. At the same time, Dr. Liu reported the ploidy variation and the related ecological adaptation of the Actinidia chinensis complex in the natural populations of China. In the country dinner during the symposium, the International Kiwifruit Working Group of the Society of Horticulture Commission honored the world's senior scientists on kiwifruit study. Prof. Huang, together with Prof. Ross Ferguson from the New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research, and Prof. Guglielmo Costa from the University of Bologna, Italy,  commonly shared the Lifetime Achievement Awards of kiwifruit study. Meanwhile, Huang was elected as the President of the 8th International Kiwifruit Working Group of the Horticultural Society.
In this symposium, the place for hosting the 8th International Symposium on Kiwifruit, which will be held in 2014, was also discussed and Dr. Huang Hongwen, on behalf of China, won the bid to host it.
The International Kiwifruit Symposium was held once every 4 years, from the first session in Italy to the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh in New Zealand, Greece, Chile, China, New Zealand and Italy, respectively. After 12 years, the symposium will return once again to the kiwifruit's hometown - China.
 Prof. HUANG Hongwen makes a keynote speech.
 The Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Kiwifruit Working Group of the Society of Horticulture Commission honoring Prof. HUANG Hongwen for his achivement work on kiwifruit study.
The three world's senior scientists on kiwifruit shared the Lifetime Archievement Awards in the 7th International Symposium on Kiwifruit.

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