
South China Botanical Garden and Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology Conduct Strategic Cooperation and Academic Communication

Date: Oct 28, 2010

During 25th to 26th of October, a deputation from Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS (SIPPE) was invited by South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) to conduct strategic cooperation and academic communication in Guangzhou. The deputation was composed of the director of SIPPE Dr. XUE Hongwei as the leader, and assistant director Dr. LI Laigeng and other seven scientists as members. A warm reception was given by the director of SCBG Dr. HUANG Hongwen, vice-directors Mr. WEI Ping and Dr. FU Shenglei, principals from all research teams, and the department of scientific research and co-operation. An academic meeting was started afterwards.

At the beginning of the meeting, which was presided over by Fu, Huang comprehensively introduced the directions of academic strategies, the situation of talent introduction and education, researches of plant conservation and introduction, direction of researches, and academic projects and results, etc. Xue also presented general information about SIPPE, and emphasized on the current research situation and progress of the National Key Lab of Plant Molecular Genetics. Prof. David W. Ow, who is the introduced scholar of the 'Thousand Talent Program' by SCBG, gave a presentation on construction and research situation of the genetic engineering centre of plant. Drs. FU Shenglei, ZHOU Guoyi, GE Xuejun, ZHANG Dianxiang, JIANG Yueming and WU Guojiang from SCBG reported the research progress on pertinent fields respectively. Topics covered environmental degradation and ecosystem conservation, global changing and ecosystem service, biodiversity protection and sustainable utilization, plant systematic and evolutionary biology, agriculture, food quality and safety, and phytochemical resources, sustainable use of plant and gene resource The information about two key labs of CAS, which are Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization and Key Laboratory of Vegetation Restoration and Management of Degraded Ecosystems, was also introduced to the colleagues from SIPPE. Scientists from SIPPE, LI Laigeng, CAI Weiming, ZHANG Peng, GAO Jiping, FU Yanlei, and GUAN Yuan gave presentations about situation of CAS Key Lab of Synthetic Biology, Lab of Photosynthesis and Environmental Biology, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Research Centre, and the latest progresses that every research team had made. The meeting had attracted more than 100 audiences of SCBG, including academic research staff and postgraduate students.

At the end of the meeting, Prof. Huang Hongwen concluded that the researches in SCBG tend to macroscopic fields, while those of SIPPE focus more on microscopic areas. Therefore, the cooperation between two institutes has complementary advantages. He suggested experts from these two institutes should develop in-depth communication and cooperation and brainstorms, with the idea of looking for new cooperation highlights and solutions of important scientific questions, which also corresponds with 'Innovation 2020' program of CAS. Prof. Xue Hongwei said that staff from SIPPE would have a clearer, more comprehensive and more systematic insight about SCBG. As the communication went into depth, some new cooperative points of the areas that both institutes concerned about would be established. He also pointed out that as biology develops dramatically in the world, more and more attention has been paying on it. Ideas only with innovations and creativities could be outstanding among such fierce academic competition. We two brother-institutes have made an excellent start through this communication.

The strategic cooperation and academic communication aim at seeking complementary advantages between the two institutes and developing the academic and innovative capabilities of both institutes. The success of the meeting is a good start of strategic and substantive scientific cooperation in the future for both sides. It is learnt that the next academic communication of the two institutes will be held at SIPPE next year.

With great interests, the deputation was given a tour to the scenic areas and academic buildings in SCBG during the visit.

The meeting spot

Prof. FU Shenglei chairing the meeting

Prof. HUANG Hongwen making a report

Prof. XUE Hongwei making a report

Prof. LI Laigeng giving a presentation

Group photo for all participates

The review team visiting the garden


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