
Director of USA Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Visits South China Botanical Garden

Date: Nov 05, 2010

At the invitation of CAS South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), Dr. Carl Lewis, the director of Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden in Miami, America and his assistant Dr. LIU Hong visited SCBG on Oct. 31, 2010. Prof. FU Shenglei, deputy director of SCBG and Prof. YAN Junhua, assistant director warmly received the visitors.

At the seminar, Prof. Fu introduced basic information about SCBG’s scientific research fields, conservation status, and construction of individual gardens . Drs. Lewis and Liu gave the colleagues of SCBG academic lectures separately, named as "Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden" and "Input of extreme weather on wild orchids population", respectively. They both carried on academic discussion and exchange with researchers and graduate students after their lectures. In addition, Dr Lewis signed a memorandum of understanding with SCBG, which indicates a more intimate cooperation between the two sides as exchanges of germplasm resources and education of graduate students. It will establish a good international platform for more communication and cooperation each other in the future.During the visit, accompanied by Prof. ZENG Qingwen, Drs. Lewis and Liu visited the SCBG Conservatories, Palm Garden, Orchid Garden, Magnolia Garden, Ginger Garden, Cycas Garden, Australia Garden and other landscapes. Dr. Lewis highly appraised the species abundance and perfect conservation work of SCBG.

Dr.Carl Lewis making a report

The review team visiting the garden


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