
Tissue Culture in the Rare and Endangered Plant of Metabriggsia ovalifolia Achieves Success

Date: Dec 20, 2010

Since South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) succeed in propagation and reintroduction of the first-grade rare and endangered plant of Primulina tabacum via biotechnology, the scientific researchers of SCIB recently carried out systematic studies on another first grade rare and endangered species Metabriggsia ovalifolia of the same family (Gesneriaceae) which is endemic to Guangxi Province, South China.

The Prof. MA Guohua from Plant Biotechnology Research Group of SCBG successfully induced adventitious shoot formation via shoot organogenesis with different explants (leaves and petioles) of M. ovalifolia. The studies showed that the high activity of cytokinines (TDZ, BAP) or low activity of auxins (NAA, IAA) alone could directly induce adventurous shoots organogenesis whereas low activity of cytokinin (Kin) or high activity of auxin (2, 4-D) could not induce shoot organogenesis. Cytokinins combined with anxins in the induction media induced more adventitious shoots than auxins or cytokinins alone.

An efficient mass propagation and plant regeneration system of M. ovalifolia has been successfully established via the above method. The result not only strengthens the effective propagation and conservation of the species, but also makes a contribution for the further reintroduction and solving the lack of resources for the basic biology research.

The study has been published in the journal Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture (2010:DOI 10.1007/s11240-010-9875-5).

Direct shoot organogenesis from the leaf explant

Plantlet transplanting of Metabriggsia ovalifolia


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