
Lu Yongxiang Inspects South China Botanical Garden

Date: Feb 14, 2011

On Februnay11, Prof. LU Yongxiang, the vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the president of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), made a special inspection of South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), accompanied by Prof. ZHANG Zhibing, director of Bureau of Life Science and Biotechnology CAS, Prof. FAN Weimin, director of Bureau of Science and Technology for Resources and Environment CAS, and Prof. TIAN Jing, director of Bureau ofHigh-Technology Research and Development CAS. Dr. HUANG Hongwen, director of SCBG, and Dr. REN Hai, Mr. WEI Ping, and Dr. FU Shenglei, deputy directors of SCBG, the principal investigators of all research fields and other administrators warmly greeted Prof. Lu and his visiting group.

Prof. LU visited the public laboratory of SCBG firstly. Ms. XU Xinlan, director of the public lab gave a brief report on the lab including its history, scale, achievements, and the rapid growing trend since the period of "Innovation Phase III" (2006-2010). Prof. Lu affirmed the public laboratory of SCBG in high specification, high level and standard management.

Subsequently, Prof. LU and his visiting group visited the newly finished comprehensive laboratory building. In the building's relevant professional laboratory, five chief scientists: Profs. ZHANG Mingyong, WU Guojiang, David Ow, GE Xuejun and FU Shenglei introduced their scientific research work and the latest research progress, especially in plants transgene engineering, cultivation of new varieties, environmental protection and ecological security, as well as the latest research results to Prof. LU respectively. While listening to the reports, Lu talked with research staff cordially, and sometimes asked questions or gave useful guidances.

During the inspection, Huang Hongwen had a briefly report on SCBG since "Innovation Phase III", including the progress of scientific research, talent cultivation, infrastructure construction, innovation culture, and the cooperation between CAS headquarters and local authorities. He also introduced to Prof. Lu about the Twelfth Five-year Plan and "Innovation 2020" in SCBG. Lu gave a high appraisal to good performances of SCBG during "Innovation Phase III". He pointed out that SCBG not only should make innovation research fruits in the frontier field of basic ecology and botany, but also should do more jobs in the application of botany and applied ecology. With the national perspective, SCBG should be making contributions for the country's food security, ecological security, and rare plant resource protection and utilization. In addition, SCBG should be dedicated to transferring scientific achievements into productivity timely, and exploiting these resources for the development of local economy and society. Prof. Lu hoped that SCBG could make greater achievements in the new year as well as make new contributions to "Innovation 2020".

The main personnel accompanying Lu's inspection also contained Mr. WANG Hongyan, deputy director of the General Office of CAS, Prof. CHEN Hong, director of CAS Guangzhou Branch, Prof. GUO Jun, Secretary of Party Committee of CAS Guangzhou Branch, Prof. HUANG Ningsheng, executive deputy director of CAS Guangzhou Branch.

Prof. Lu Yongyiang (middle) visiting the public laboratory

Prof. Lu Yongxiang (middle ) listening to Dr. Zhang Mingyong's introduction about culitvation of new varieties

Prof. Lu Yongxiang listening to Dr. David Ow's introduction about transgene engineering

Prof. Lu Yongxiang listening to Dr. Huang Hongwen's (right one ) introduction about the "Twelfth Five-year Plan" of SCBG


Prof. Lu Yongxiang (middle )giving an instruction to SCBG's development

An group photo of Prof. Lu Yongxiang (middle ) with the leadership of SCBG and parts of accomping leaders

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