
Highly International Attention Attracted by Papers of South China Botanical Garden

Date: Mar 21, 2011

According to the report of, there five papers written by Prof. JIANG Yueming and his research team of the Fruit & Vegetable Postharvest Biology Group, South China Botanical Garden collaborating with colleagues at home and abroad, which have attracted much attention by international researchers. These papers were published in Food Chemistry (Top 10% journal in Food Science & Technology), Postharvest Biology and Technology (Top 10% journal in Horticulture), Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies (Top 30% journal in Food Science & Technology), respectively. They were cited as the top 25 papers of each journal during 2008-2010 or 2009-2010. The details are listed below:

1.Yang B., Zhao M., Shi J., Yang N., Jiang Y. 2008. Effect of ultrasonic treatment on the recovery and DPPH radical scavenging activity of polysaccharides from longan fruit pericarp. Food Chemistry, 106(2): 685–690. (Top cited paper during 2008-2010)

2.Prasad K.N., Yang B., Dong X., Jiang G., Zhang H., Xie H., Jiang Y. 2009. Flavonoid contents and antioxidant activities from Cinnamomum species. Food Science & Emerging Technologies,10(4): 627–632. (Top 8 during 2009–2010)

3.Prasad K.N., Hao J., Shi J., Liu T., Li J., Wei X., Qiu S., Xue S., Jiang Y. 2009. Antioxidant and anticancer activities of high pressure-assisted extract of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 10( 4): 413–419. (Top 13 during 2009–2010)

4.Zhang H., Yang S., Joyce D.C., Jiang Y., Qu H., Duan X. 2010. Physiology and quality response of harvested banana fruit to cold shock. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 55(3): 154-159. (Top 18 during 2009–2010)

5.Yao L., Jiang Y., Datta N., Singanusong R., Liu X., Duan J., Raymont K., Lisle A., Xu Y. 2004. HPLC analyses of flavanols and phenolic acids in the fresh young shoots of tea (Camellia sinensis) grown in Australia. Food Chemistry, 84(2): 253–263. (Top 21 during 2009–2010)

Certificate of Top Cited Article 2008–2010 issued by ELSEVIER


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