
Recruitment Notice of “Hundred-Talent Program” of South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Date: Jan 06, 2016

Introduction and website of South China Botanical Garden

South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is an important base for science and technology innovation, personnel training and scientific knowledge dissemination in China. The main research directions of SCBG focus on restoration and reconstruction of degraded ecosystems, system evolution and species diversity conservation, sustainable use of plant resources and reserves, biotechnology, landscape gardening and landscape design to conduct basic, forward-looking and strategic researches, with the purpose of creating a world-class botanical garden.

As one of the most important botany research institutions in China, SCBG has obtained abundant research achievements in the fields of ecology, systematic and evolutionary botany, plant resources, biotechnology, landscape and gardening. Since 1954, approximately 359 monographs such as Flora of China, Chinese Vegetation, Landscape Plants of China and Studies on the Tropical and Subtropical Degraded Ecosystem and Its Rehabilitation have been published; over 2200 papers were published in international journals indexed in SCI, including two highly prestigious journals, Nature and Science; 384 research achievements have been obtained, of which 278 were awarded prizes at various levels, including a first prize and a second prize National Natural Science Award and five second prizes of the National Science and Technology Advance Awards. So far, 231 patents have been filed, of which 126 have been licensed. The research achievements were twice honored as “Top Ten Basic Research News in China” in 2000 and 2006, respectively. In addition, there have been 68 new plant varieties validated or registered internationally since 1988.

As one of the largest gardens in China, SCBG is composed of three divisions: 1) a nursery and exhibition zone, viz. the arboretum, occupying an area of 282 ha. It was designed mainly for plant ex-situ conservation with more than 14,000 plant taxa grown in over 30 specialized gardens, including magnolias, bamboo, palms, gingers, orchids and medicinal plants; 2) a research and residential zone, covering an area of over 37 ha. It features a herbarium conserving more than 1,000,000 plant specimens and a state of the art laboratory complex; and 3) Dinghushan Nature Reserve, which was established in 1956, the only reserve of CAS and the first national nature reserve in China. The total area of the reserve is 1,155 ha, where over 2,400 plant species are under in situ protection.

In addition, SCBG runs two field research stations, including Dinghushan National Field Research Station of Forest Ecosystem and Heshan National Field Research Station of Forest Ecosystem. It also runs 2 key laboratories of Guangdong province, 3 key laboratories of CAS and one engineering and technology research center of Guangdong province. Besides, SCBG currently has 2 stations for post-doctoral research (biology and ecology), 4 authorization disciplines of doctorate (botany, ecology, biochemistry & molecular biology and genetics) and 8 authorization disciplines of master degree (botany, ecology, biochemistry & molecular biology, ornamental plants & horticulture, bioengineering, genetics, forest management and wildlife conservation &utilization).

Website of SCBG:


Professor of agricultural engineering (“Hundred-Talent Program” B class position of CAS).


Selected candidates should lead the team presiding over major national projects or CAS projects, engage in high level of technical research, solve problems of agricultural engineering technology, guide and cultivate young engineering and technical talented postgraduates.

Qualifications and requirements

(1) Qualifications:

(i) Young overseas talent engaged in agricultural engineering and technical research and development;

(ii) Able to solve key technical problems in the field of agricultural engineering, promote technological innovation, and had achieved first-class achievements;

(iii) A doctoral degree, more than 3 years working experience overseas;

(iv) Good health, age under 45 years;

(v) Full-time work during the implementation of the project.

(2) Material requirements

(i) Latest personal resume;

(ii) Three to five representative papers and other relevant evidences of scientific research performance;

(iii) Copies of degree certificate and graduation certificate of Ph.D.;

(iv) Proof of overseas employments;

(v) Three recommendation letters of well-known experts in related fields;

(vi) Plans for future work, including team building.

Available supports provided by SCBG

(i) Treatment of professorship;

(ii) 700 thousand yuan in matching funds, of which 200 thousand yuan as infrastructure expenses;

(iii) Providing 80-100 square meters of temporary housing or a monthly 4000 yuan of housing subsidies before purchasing house;

(iv) Lab team building needs, assistant and graduate enrollment quota.

Registration and contact information

Address: Human Resources and Education Department of South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xingke Road #723, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510650 China.

Contact: Dr. Hanping Xia


Registration deadline

No deadline until the right person recruited.

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