
The delegation of Tennessee State University visit South China Botanical Garden, CAS

Date: Jun 14, 2016

    Dr. Hui Dafeng, the professor of Tennessee State University, USA, together with Dr. Deng Qi, at the invitation of Prof. Zhang Deqiang, visited SCBG for scientific research cooperation from 27 to 31 May.

Prof. Hui firstly made a visit to the simulated warming plot at Dinghushan Nature Reservation, and discussed about the cooperation for applying projects. And then prof. Hui gave a report “Quantification of Soil N2O Emission in Cornfields: From Field Experiment to Eddy Covariance and Ecosystem Modeling” to introduce his group’s research progress.

      Dinghushan plot introduction

Leture by Professor Hui Dafeng of Tennessee State University

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