
2019 South China Botanical Garden Hippeastrum Herb. Exhibition Open Soon

Date: Apr 28, 2019

The stunning 2019 South China Botanical Garden Hippeastrum Herb. Exhibition will be held in the greenhouse scenic spot of South China Botanical Garden from April 29 to May 20. Hippeastrum Herb. is a generic term for perennial herbs of the genus Amaryllidaceae, who has a variety of flower types and colors. It is native to the tropical America and Asia and has been sold well in Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed regions and countries as high-grade flowers. As the Chinese homonym of Hippeastrum Herb. is "doomed red", which means “doomed prosperity”, it has been widely cultivated as a kind of auspicious flower among the people and is called "peony of southern China".

This flower exhibition is hosted by South China Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences and sponsored by Guangdong Shengyin Horticulture Co., Ltd. It will bring together abundant varieties of Hippeastrum Herb. from Netherlands, Peru, Israel and new varieties bred by Shengyin company independently. On April 25, a press conference of Hippeastrum Herb. Exhibition was held in the greenhouse of South China Botanical Garden. More than 100 guests, media reporters and tourists from all sections of the society participated in the conference.

According to reports, the flower exhibition will exhibit 203 varieties of Hippeastrum Herb. imported from abroad and independently cultivated by Shengyin Company, of which 141 are self-bred. At that time, it will present a colorful and flowery Hippeastrum Herb. landscape to tourists all the world. There are four main theme pavilions in the flower exhibition, namely, the Hippeastrum Herb. Theme Pavilion, the Hippeastrum Herb. Popular Science and Culture Pavilion, the Hippeastrum Herb. Variety Exhibition Hall and the Hippeastrum Herb. Flower Art Museum. People and tourists can not only enjoy the beauty of single blooming, but also the beauty of the integration of Hippeastrum Herb. in multi-level flower mirrors in the garden. Since Hippeastrum Herb. blossoms out of season in this exhibition, florescence regulation technology was used to make 20,000 Hippeastrum Herb. blossoms appear successively and have their own characteristics.

Figure 1. Gorgeous Hippeastrum Herb.

Figure 2. Daisy from Peru.

Figure 3. Cat's Eye Star from Israel.

Figure 4. Shengyin self-breeding variety.

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