
Long-term filed phenology monitoring study sheds light on Plant Phenology of Macao

Date: Feb 04, 2024
A new book "Plant Phenology of Macao" published by China Forestry Publishing House It filled the gap of artificial phenology monitoring research in Macao and Southern China, provided reference for plant phenology research in neighborhood region and island,as well as laid the foundation for researching plant phenology subsequent responses to climate change, environmental pollution, and other factors.
Plant phenology is an important indicator of natural environmental changes, closely related to climate change. With the intensification of global warming and the urban heat island effects, plant phenology has received more attention. As a geographically unique region, Macao has a history of climate monitoring for over a hundred years. Regional climate change of Macao has also been studied by scholars these years. And along with this collaboration study, the plant phenology research in Macao began to take off.
This study conducted plant species phenological monitoring in the form of communities by setting up four fixed representative plots in Macao, including Guia Hill in the Macau Peninsula, Taipa Grande in Taipa, as well as Ka Ho and Hac Sa in Coloane. Representative species in the plots were labelled, and long-term artificial dynamic monitoring of plant phenology was carried out at fixed time and location. Nearly 10 related research papers of this study have been published, including 2 SCI papers.
With illustrated photos, "Plant Phenology of Macao" is an easy read bookThe first half of this book is about phenological monitoring standards for vascular plants. To provide a more visual way for technicians to easily and accurately identify phenological characteristics and improving the reliability of data collection, the phenological characteristics were standardized respectively for ferns, trees and shrubs, and herbaceous plants with corresponding phenological photos showing obvious phenological characteristics of each phenological period attached. In the second half, 111 plant species (11 ferns from 6 families and 7 genera, 100 angiosperms from 40 families and 87 genera) which had complete phenological periods were selected to comprehensively describe their plant phenology information, mainly including plant names (Chinese names, aliases, English names, Portuguese names, scientific names), morphological characteristics, origin, geographical distribution, and main phenological periods. Each species is accompanied by a drawn phenological map and color images of each phenological period with obvious phenological characteristics.
This book was collaborative compiled by the South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Macao Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) and Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG), and other units. The Phenological Monitoring of Wild Plants in Macau (a collaborative project between the SCBG and IAM), and R & D program of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology provided support to this publication.
"Plant Phenology of Macao" was compiled by the Species Diversity Conservation and Utilization Research Team of SCBG and technicians from the Department of Green Areas and Gardens of IAM. This book is another significant scientific achievement jointly developed by SCBG and IAM, following the "Check list of Macao Plants""Flora of Macao"and "Ancient and Precious Trees in Macao".
Author: The team of Qifei Yi from the Ecological Center of South China Botanical Garden, Qifei Yi


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