2021-06-30Spatial and vertical variations of soil C: N: P stoichiometry in tropical forests on Hainan IslandAuthor: WANG Jun E-mail: Paper link: Online time: 2021-2-23 Carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are fundamental elements of plants and ecosystems. Investigation on stoichiometric relationships between soil C, N, and P could improve our understanding on nutrient cycling and provide valuable information for forest management.Read More
To advance the spatial and vertical variations of soil C, N, and P st... -
2021-06-23A New Mechanism of NF-YC-mediated H2A.Z deposition in photomorphogenic growthAuthor: ZHANG Chunyu E-mail: Paper link: Online time: 04 May 2021 Light serves as a pivotal external signal that regulates autotrophic plant growth and development throughout the plant life cycle from germination to seed formation. After perceiving light, these photoreceptors transmit the signal through a cascade to regulate the transcriptome, ultimately triggering photomorphogenesis. During this process, the ...Read More
2021-06-23SCBG researchers reveal responses of plant water relations to canopy nitrogen addition in a subtropical forestAuthor: ZHANG Tong E-mail: Paper link: Online time: 2021-1-27 Much effort has gone into a mechanistic understanding of how atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition may affect plant growth via nutritional status and photosynthesis, but the possible involvement of hydraulically mediated responses, especially those of leaf hydraulics remains unclear.Read More
In a recent article published in Science of the Total Enviro... -
2021-06-18Effects of Typhoon Mangkhut on a Monsoon Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest Community in Dinghushan Nature Reserve, Lower Subtropical ChinaAuthor: LI Yuelin E-mail: Paper link: Online time: 31 May 2021 The Dinghushan National Nature Reserve located in subtropical China faced typhoon Mangkhut in 2018. This led to damage to the vegetation and highlighted the sensitivity of the ecosystem to storms that will inevitably emerge as a result of climate change. Tree population comparisons and damage, before and after the typhoon, had previously not bee...Read More
2021-06-09Research progress on transcriptional regulation of floral scent in Dendrobium officinaleAuthor: YU Zhenming E-mail: Paper link: Online time: 2021-5-24 Orchid plants are the most species-rich plants and highly interact with pollinators via visual or olfactory cues. Biosynthesis and emission of floral scent (e.g. linalool, geraniol) to the atmosphere facilitate the olfactory cues and ensure successful pollination. Economically important ornamental flowers, including the orchids Dendrobium offici...Read More
2021-05-27A rare new parasitoid species discovered from South China Botanical GardenAuthor: LUO Shixiao E-mail: Paper link: Online time: 29 Apr 2021 For taxonomists, there is nothing more awe-inspiring than finding a fantastic new species, something that probably no one has ever seen before! And it is more fun when such a new species is found from the backyard of your workplace. Recently, a team led by Dr. LUO Shixiao at South China Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dr. CHE...Read More
2021-05-20The effect of urban nature exposure on mental health—a case study of GuangzhouAuthor: LIU Hongxiao E-mail: Paper link: Online time: 14 April 2021 The Report on National Mental Health Development in China (2017–2018) revealed that 11%–15% of the Chinese population have mild to moderate mental health conditions and 2%–3% have moderate to serious mental health conditions. A growing body of empirical evidence in developed countries has revealed the benefits of nature exposure to human ment...Read More
2021-05-11A New Mechanism of Light Signal Inhabits Brassinosteroids Pathway during PhotomorphogenesisAuthor: ZHANG Wenbin E-mail: Paper link: /koab112/6237499 Online time: 19 April 2021 Plant seedlings generally undergo a series of developmental changes to seek light from seed germination to seedling emergence. Once exposed in the light, plants undergo a series of photomorphogenic responses, which require to quickly remove the repressors accumulated in the dark and activate the related promotors. Brassinosteroids, one of the ma...Read More