2016-05-13IABG Training Course NoticeThe development of botanical gardens in Asia over recent years has shown a remarkable period of growth, but they face many problems and bigger challenges than they ever. This is particularly true and more complex for those botanical gardens in developing countries. The “Botanical Garden Development & Management” training course is intended to ...Read More
2016-01-06Recruitment Notice of “Hundred-Talent Program” of South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of SciencesIntroduction and website of South China Botanical GardenRead More
South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is an important base for science and technology innovation, personnel training and scientific knowledge dissemination in China. The main research directions of SCBG focus on restoration and reconstruction of degrade... -
2015-12-25Plant Physiological Ecology of Ferns in Subtropical ForestsAs important components of tropical and subtropical forests, ferns play crucial roles in nutrient cycling, microclimate maintenance, and forest regeneration. It is a general point of view that ferns distribute commonly in shady understory, with some species on the brink of extinction, while others thrive in disturbed open habitats, forming monos...Read More
2015-12-24Regulation mechanisms of formation of aroma compounds of tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves and development of technique for improving tea aromaPolyphenols, amino acids, and aroma compounds are fundamental for tea quality. The content of polyphenols in teas is 18-36% of dry weight, whereas amino acids and aromas account for 1-4% and 0.005-0.03%, respectively. Due to the relative contents of amino acids and aromas in teas, improvement of the amino acids and aromas of tea has recently att...Read More
2015-12-22C, N, and P cycles in ecological researchC, N, and P cycles are key topics in ecological research. Natural abundance of 13C and 15N of environmental samples can indicate the cycles of C and N, respectively.Read More
Scientists in south China botanical garden explored the relationships between plant and soil δ13C and δ15N and key ecosystem functions and processes in mature subtropical fore... -
2015-11-20Significant progress of propagation in vitro and mechanism of seed asymbiotic germination of Paphiopedilum armeniacum was made by South China Botanical GardenPaphiopedilum species, popularly known as slipper orchids because of the resemblance of their pouch-shaped lip to a lady’s slipper, gorgeous flower color and long-lasting flowering, have captured the interest of many orchid growers and hobbyists and are one of the most popular and rare orchid genera being sold and exhibited today. Wild populati...Read More
2015-10-28Series of review papers of Dendrobium were published in international journals of plant sciencesDendrobium is one of the largest genera of orchidaceae in the world, which includes more than 1500 species and more than 80 species in China. Many Dendrobium species have high ornamental value and important medical value, such as Dendrobium officinale, D. huoshanense and D. nobile, etc. In 1970s, Professor Sijun Cheng in South China Botanical G...Read More
2015-08-27Visit of a delegation from University of RuhunaSouth China Botanical Garden, CAS welcomed a delegation from University of Ruhuna on August 26,2015. The aim of the visit was to establish research collaboration in the area of medicinal plants. The vice chancellor, Prof. Gamini Senanayake highly praised the research conducted by the University of Ruhuna and expressed their willingness to go for...Read More