2011-06-03Subtropical Plantations are Large Carbon Sink: Evidence from Two Monoculture Plantations in South ChinaForest plantations occupy approximately 264 million ha worldwide,which support the increasing local and global demands for wood and have been considered as potential fast-response carbon sinks that may mitigate the rise of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Moreover it is necessary to assess the effects of corrections for disturbances of soil tempe... Forest plantations occupy approximately 264 million ha worldwide, which support the increasing local and global demands for wood and have been considered as potential fast-response carbon sinks that may mitigate the rise of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In China, the area of plantations is nearly 62 million ha because of large-scale reforestat...Read More
2011-05-26Tissue Culture on Energy Plant Euphorbia tirucalli Achieves SuccessThe genus Euphorbia includes succulent shrubs distributing in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. These plants increase their biomass promptly in semi-deserts. Terpenoids and sterols in plants are also industrially important chemical sources as vitamins,steroid compounds,insecticides,and anticancer drugs Application of information to ... The genus Euphorbia includes succulent shrubs distributing in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. These plants increase their biomass promptly in semi-deserts. Euphorbia plant cells accumulate sterols, di- and tri-terpenoids. The major components of Euphorbia latex are triterpenes; cracked or fermented latex can be used as fuel. Terpe...Read More
2011-05-07South China Botanical Garden Finds Obligate Pollinators can Breakdown SporopolleninThe precise structure of sporopollenin is unknown. This chemical inertness accounts for the preservation of pollen grains for tens to hundreds of millions of years. No other insects visited the flowers of hot plants,and the moths’entire life cycle is adapted to their host plants’phenology and chemistry. The results showed that Phyllanthus coch... Sporopollenin is a complex polymer that is composed of fatty acids and phenolic compounds. The precise structure of sporopollenin is unknown. Sporopollenin is resistant to nonoxidative physical, chemical, and biological treatments and insoluble in both aqueous and organic solvents. This chemical inertness accounts for the preservation of pollen ...Read More
2011-04-11The German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation(BfN)Visit SCBGFU Shenglei,deputy director of SCBG and principal investigator of the Field of Environmental Degradation and Ecological Restoration of SCBG During the visit,Andreas Krug,Christian Grossheim and Zhao Shidong presented three academic reports,which were“Forest Managment in Germany-Reflection on History and Outlook on future Challenges”。 “Forest... On Apr. 7th-9th, Mr.Andreas Krug and Ms. Christian Grossheim, the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz, BfN), companied by Prof. ZHAO Shidong and Prof. Dr. YU Xiubo of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),, visited South China Botanica...Read More
2011-04-08South China Botanical Garden Finds a New Hyperaccumulator for Cd PhytoremediationPhytoremediation is a promising clean-up technology,which is to remedy soil heavy metal pollution with plants. Photeinocarpum showed no significant reduction with soil Cd treatment as high as 100 mg kg-1. In the transplanting-Cd concentration gradient experiment,plant shoot biomass was unaffected by soil Cd as high as 60 mg kg-1. Photeinocarpum ... Phytoremediation is a promising clean-up technology, which is to remedy soil heavy metal pollution with plants. The key to success of this technique is to find hyperaccumulators which can accumulate uniquely high quantities of heavy metals, for example, more than 1000 mg kg-1 for As, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Co, 10,000 mg kg-1 for Zn and Mn, and 100 mg k...Read More
2011-03-22Academicians from Europe and America Visits South China Botanical GardenThey also discussed more about evolutionary biology with colleagues,who are form South China Agricultural University,Sun Yat-sen University,Kunming Institute of Botany-CAS,Institute of Plant Physiology&Ecology,Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences-CAS,Institute of Botany-CAS,especially with the researchers and graduates of the field of plan... From Feb. 26th – Mar. 15th, Prof. Susanne S. Renner, academician of Germany Academy of Sciences, Danish Academy of Sciences and Bavarian Academy of Sciences, president of Systematic Botany of Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, director of the Nymphenburg Botanical Garden, and Prof. Robert E. Ricklefs, academician of U. S. Academy of Sciences...Read More
2011-03-21Highly International Attention Attracted by Papers of South China Botanical GardenCom/scienc,there five papers written by Prof. JIANG Yueming and his research team of the Fruit&Vegetable Postharvest Biology Group,South China Botanical Garden collaborating with colleagues at home and abroad,which have attracted much attention by international researchers. They were cited as the top 25 papers of each journal during 2008-2010 or... According to the report of, there five papers written by Prof. JIANG Yueming and his research team of the Fruit & Vegetable Postharvest Biology Group, South China Botanical Garden collaborating with colleagues at home and abroad, which have attracted much attention by international researchers. These papers we...Read More
2011-03-10Effects of Plant Functional Group Removal on Soil Microbial Community Composition and Litter Decomposition in Subtropical Eucalyptus PlantationsSince aboveground communities and belowground communities are intimately linked and these linkages greatly affect ecosystem properties,removal of plant functional groups from aboveground communities will exert a great impact on belowground communities. The changes in soil microbial community caused by understory removal were mainly attributed to... A key topic of ecological research involves predicting how human-induced losses of species and functional groups from real ecosystems influence ecosystem properties and functioning. When particular plant functional groups are deliberately removed from the ecosystem, it will cause apparent consequences on the ecosystem processes and functioning. ...Read More