2013-01-16Chief Executive Officer of the International Association of Botanical Gardens (IABG) SecretariatInternational Union of Biological Sciences(IUBS)and a scientific member of IUBS,as a commission of the International Association of Botanical and Mycological Societies(IABMS).The aims of IABG are·to promote international cooperation between botanical gardens,arboreta and similar institutes maintaining scientific collections of living plants·to... About the IABGRead More
The International Association of Botanical Gardens (IABG) was founded in Paris in 1954 and is a worldwide organization affiliated to the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) and a scientific member of IUBS, as a commission of the International Association of Botanical and Mycological Societies (IABMS).
The ai... -
2013-01-05Transfer and Detoxification of Heavy Metal along Food ChainCadmium contamination has been a worldwide public health concern,because Cd has the potential to bioaccumulate in plants and invertebrates and a greater potential for trophic transfer along some food chains. Metal bioavailability and detoxification in plants is controlled by biological manipulation of the chemical forms of heavy metals. Metal su... Cadmium contamination has been a worldwide public health concern, because Cd has the potential to bioaccumulate in plants and invertebrates and a greater potential for trophic transfer along some food chains. Metal bioavailability and detoxification in plants is controlled by biological manipulation of the chemical forms of heavy metals. Metal s...Read More
2012-12-21Exchange and Collaboration: The Roles of Botanical Gardens in Plant Sciences and EcologyThirteen symposia and workshops were held and they were entitled:Botanical gardens’role in overcoming nature deficit disorder in this rapid urbanizing world。 Newly emerged plant reintroduction guidelines–taking climate change into consideration/Plant reintroduction in Asia–case studies。 Public education of botany and environment。 In the co... ——Brief Introduction to the 13th Conference of International Association of Botanic GardensRead More
The 13th Conference of International Association of Botanic Gardens (IABG, formed in Paris in 1954, a scientific member of International Union of Biological Sciences) was held in Guangzhou, China from November 13th to 15th, 2012. The main theme of t... -
2012-07-27Reintroduction of Tigridiopalma magnifica, a Rare and Critically Endangered Herb Endemic to ChinaThe main findings are as following:Twelve locations with populations of T. Magnifica only grows in the surface soil on stone walls or rocks under the canopy of secondary forests and plantations and has no specific associated plant species. After 11 months survival rate was 40–58% but survival was higher and plantlet crowns were larger at the lo... Tigridiopalma magnifica, a perennial herb and the only species in the genus Tigridiopalma (Family Melastomataceae) is rare, and endemic to China, where it is categorized as Critically Endangered on the national Red List. During past 7 years, Dr REN Hai and Dr. ZENG Songjun co-operated to research the reintroduction of the species. The main findi...Read More
2012-07-06The Study Progress on the Impact of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Soil Properties and Herb-layer Diversity inRemnant Forests Along an Urban-rural Gradient in Guangzhou, Southern ChinaAtmospheric nitrogen(N)deposition in subtropical metropolitan regions has increased greatly because of rapid urbanization,and such increase could lead to N-related changes in soil properties and plant diversity in remnant forests of urban ecosystems PhD candidate HUANG Liujing and her supervisor Dr. They found that a steep urban-to-rural N depos... Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition in subtropical metropolitan regions has increased greatly because of rapid urbanization, and such increase could lead to N-related changes in soil properties and plant diversity in remnant forests of urban ecosystems.Read More
PhD candidate HUANG Liujing and her supervisor Dr. REN Hai at South China Botanical Garde... -
2012-05-31The Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Carbon Storage in forest Ecosystems in Guangdong, Southern ChinaThey found that the forest coverage percent in Guangdong increased from 37.1% in 1992 to 57.2% in 2002 while the total forest C storage in Guangdong increased from 144.73±6.20 Tg in 1992 to 215.03±8.48 Tg in 2002.The order of average forest biomass C storage increase during 1992-2002 among the four regions was Western Guangdong(。 GW)>Eastern ... Dr. REN Hai at South China Botanical Garden and Dr. CHEN Hua at University of Illinois co-operated to examine the spatial and temporal patterns of C storage from 1992 to 2002 in forest ecosystems in Guangdong, China.Read More
They used the data of three continuous forest inventory in 1992, 1997, and 2002, four TM images and one soil survey data in Gu... -
2012-05-15The Interaction Between the Hemiparasitic Santalum album and Its HostAlbum and its host Dr. ,before and after attachment to the host. Albumand in water and nutrient transport in the host-parasite association. Many lysosomes present and large-scale digestion of host cells occur at the interface between the hemiparasite sandal tree and the host. Albumpenetration into the host suggested there was a function of mecha... Santalum album is a small tropical tree. This species has been utilized, cultivated and traded for thousands of years for its fragrant, perfume and medicinal purpose.For these reasons it has been extensively exploited, to the point where the wild population is vulnerable to extinction. However, the tree is an obligate root hemi-parasitic tree. C...Read More
2012-05-10The Study Progress of Pollination Biology of Guihaiothamnus acaulis (Rubiaceae), a Critically Endangered Species in ChinaFlower is the sexual reproductive organ of flowering plants. In the traditional theory of pollination biology,pollinators determine the evolution of flower traits. All of these characters are thought to be associated with the butterfly pollination syndrome. The loss of butterflies might result in the reduction of nectar,and more energy was saved... Flower is the sexual reproductive organ of flowering plants. In the traditional theory of pollination biology, pollinators determine the evolution of flower traits. That is to say, suites of floral characters (including shape, color, scent, and reward), which are known as pollination syndromes, reflect the response to the selective pressure exer...Read More